I took requests over at tinypixel about 3 weeks ago, and I made them. Since glassballerina is my main posting journal, I figured I'd post them here first! Enjoy! All requests are shareable, credit organza , comment & no hotlinking!
Icon time! argh i really DONT like a lot of these. Some I do though. and there's ANIMATED icons in this batch!!!!!!!!!!! and im pretty sure my Heroes muse is Dead and Gone. OHH and some of the requests are in here too! And im taking animated icon requests [see below]
IM BACK BIIIIIITCHESSSSS :DDD So, in this batch are a few of the requests, a few icons I made on the shitty computer and some that I made yesterday and before the comp crashed. :) Most of these are crap..but there's a few I like...ish. xD